About This Web Site
This is a web site recording the wonderful moments of babys and their pets, especially cats and dogs with whom the kid grown up.
My son Bryce is thirty-one months old. And I have got a cat as my pet whose name is CC. Why i called her CC because of a Janpanese cartoon 'Code Geass'. In the cartoon there is a girl named C.C. who has a special talent which can edit others memory. I think that is cool, so I named my cat with CC. In Chinese I called her 'Xi-Zi' for convenience. Because C.C. in Janpenese pronounces like Chinese word 'Xi-Zi'.By talking so much about the cat that I want to introduce the daily life between my son and my cat. That's why I setup this page for sharing life moments. In this website I'd like to post some pics and blogs about the baby and the cat. If you do not like it, please send me a feedback. Ohterwise, if you like it very much send me a feedback too. I will constantly update with your feedback. And you can send your feedback in the contact page. Thank you all again!
Something about my cat C.C. is that she is a little funny creature who will play with her tail. Also she would like to take a nap in the sun light rather than walking or running around in the noon. She eats fishes and little lobsters when my family gather together to have a lunch or dinner or something. Usually I feed her with cat food. She's beautiful creature. She's lazy creature. Now she is about nine years old that she no longer running or jumping everyday, but she's still in good spirits and healthy.
Something about my son Bryce is that he is a liitle boy often gives us surprises. He likes the cat, but he would not touch her. Because the cat do not have a good temper. So I do not have much pictures of them gather togeter. But i will push my son to observes the cat and make them to be good friends. I love my son and I love my cat too. That's why i am going to do the sharing. I'd like to recording every wonderful of my son and my cat. And I also will post some ohters funny pics and blogs of children and pets for you to have fun. Thank you all for visting!